An Easy Drill to Instantly Improve Your Rowing Efficiency
Improving your rowing skills will enable you to do more work in less time, plus be fresher and sharper for other tasks at hand. Few workouts are won on the rower. But many workouts are lost on it. A...
View Article5 Pistol Regressions to Improve Balance and Mobility
Here are some pistol squat tips and regressions to overcome mobility restrictions and gain confidence. Pistol squats are staple movements of functional fitness and bodyweight training programs, but...
View ArticleHow to Safely Kick Up Into Your Best Handstand Yet
For every exercise, the outcome is determined by the set up. Logan Christopher shows you techniques to kick up into a stable freestanding handstand. The freestanding handstand is daunting - nothing is...
View ArticleMaster the L-Sit for Core Strength and Bodyweight Control
Body control is an essential athletic skill, and the L-sit is an excellent tool to build it. Follow Timothy Bell's guide to holding a perfect L-sit. If you want to simultaneously strengthen your core...
View ArticleThe Value of Variations on the Front Lever
Try using ropes and rings to tax your core, your grip, and your willpower. Andy McKenzie is an expert in bodyweight and core training. This week, Andy explains the value of performing the front lever...
View ArticleBuild Up Your Core Strength for a Better L-Sit
Here are two drills to progress you towards performing the full L-sit with good position. Andy McKenzie is an expert in bodyweight and core training. This week, he breaks down the L-sit into...
View ArticleThe Best Way to Build Up to a Push Up
Here's a push up regression that allows you to engage all the muscles required for a proper push up. Andy McKenzie is an expert in bodyweight and core training. This week, he provides a fantastic drill...
View ArticleA Core Training and Shoulder Rehab Exercise for Athletes
Train your core, shoulders, and grip with this simple yet devastating variation of the hanging leg raise. Andy McKenzie is an expert in bodyweight and core training. This week, he reveals a challenging...
View ArticleHow to Train Your Whole Body With Two Broomsticks
Can't find the time or the money to go to the gym? Try Andy McKenzie's tough, minimalist bodyweight workout. Andy McKenzie is an expert in bodyweight and core training. This week, he shows how you can...
View ArticleA Dragon Flag Variation for Core Strength and Control
Feeling up for a challenge? The dragon flag might be hard, but this variation is a different beast entirely. Andy McKenzie is an expert in bodyweight and core training. This week, he introduces the...
View ArticleA Dynamic Running Warm Up to Prevent Injury
Running coach James Dunne doesn't want you to run unprepared. Use his dynamic warm up to prime your body specifically for the hard run ahead. James Dunne, founder of Kinetic Revolution, is a running...
View ArticleDrive Your Hips Through to Become a Faster Runner
Running coach James Dunne explains how the hips, and their powerful extension, are a crucial but often neglected piece in the performance puzzle. James Dunne, founder of Kinetic Revolution, is a...
View ArticleYour Secret Running Weapon: Use Stairs for Better Technique
Staircases are perfectly suited to help you become more efficient. Use these stair-running tips to improve your running performance. James Dunne, founder of Kinetic Revolution, is a running coach. He...
View Article3 Progressive Exercises to Correct Pelvic Tilt in Runners
Pelvic position is an important part of running form. James shows you how to fix pelvic tilt and improve your movement efficiency. James Dunne, founder of Kinetic Revolution, is a running coach. He...
View ArticleFix Your Hill Running Technique for Faster, Smoother Runs
Uphill running is tough on your body but offers great rewards. James reviews proper technique to stay safe and maximise performance. James Dunne, founder of Kinetic Revolution, is a running coach. He...
View ArticleMachines Still Build Muscles
Don't overlook the muscle-building benefits of fixed-resistance machines. In an industry that is all about three-dimensional, "functional" movement aimed at achieving maximum crossover to movement...
View ArticleThe Disconnected Values Model of Motivation
There is a massive gap between knowing what is healthy for us, and behaving accordingly. It is easy to motivate or help someone who already values being healthy, moving well, and moving often. But what...
View ArticleRebuild Your Hip Function with Tempo Training
Ignoring dysfunction in your hips will allow all of your lifts to spiral out of control. Tempo training is common for upper body and core movements, but is often neglected for lower body exercises. Why...
View ArticleSimplicity Rules: Start Your Diet with Natural Food
Unless you're looking to beat Usain Bolt's record later this year, save yourself the stress of weighing and measuring. In a previous article, I summarized the current state of scientific knowledge...
View ArticleFMS, Circus Acts, and True Functionality
Whether a movement can be called functional depends on the needs of the individual. Functional this, functional that... The word has overrun my social media feeds, and is the subject of countless...
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